I would like to bring your attention to a growing phone scam perpetrated by people claiming to be from the IRS. Likely, you have already received some of these calls, texts, or emails from these people. There are over 10,000 of these scam calls being made per week. THESE CALLS ARE TOTALLY BOGUS! They will tell you that they have tried to contact you by certified mail but letters are being returned. It's a lie. They will tell you that you are about to be arrested (today) or that a warrant for your arrest has been issued. Its a lie. They will tell you that your bank accounts have been frozen, your credit cards have been frozen or even cancelled, or that your social security payments have been blocked, or many other lies. They may even tell you that you have a refund coming and they need your bank account number. so they can deposit it into your account. It's a lie. To make themselves sound legitimate, they will will give you their name and title (Officer or Agent), they will confirm your full name, address and phone number, give you thier IRS "badge" number, give you your "case" number. All lies. They will instruct you to return a call to a number THAT IS NOT THE IRS! These people are calling you for one sole purpose only,,,,,,,TO STEAL YOUR MONEY!
Please be aware of the following FACTS:
1. The Internal Revenue Service's very first contact with you will be through the regular mail. ALWAYS.
2. The IRS will NEVER use email to communicate with you, even if you are already actively wiorking with them..
3. The IRS will NEVER threaten to immediately bring in local police or other law enforcement groups to have you arrested. If a real arrest is required, it will only be after very lenghty legal processes have been exhausted. You surely will know about a pending arrest long before a phone call tells you about it.
4. The IRS will NEVER demand that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe.
5. The IRS will NEVER require you to go to Wal Mart, or CVS, or other store to purchase a gift card, prepaid debit card or itunes card. They will never require you to do a wire transfer.
6. The IRS will NEVER ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone.
7. Ignore these calls and do NOT call these people back. If you do find yourself speaking with these poeple, do NOT argue or fight with them on the phone. These folks can be nasty. There have been incidents where these people have gone so far as to call your local police department and file a report (like a bomb, drugs, terrorism, murder, etc.) at your address. You certainly do not want police, FBI or SWAT teams showing up at your house.
8. If you do receive or get involved with these calls, let the IRS know at IRS@tigta.gov. Or, you call them directly at 800-366-4484. It also is a good idea to notify your local police as well (just in case they get nasty - see 7 above).
Lastly, if you do owe money to the IRS and you are concerned that this call could in fact be the actual IRS, hang up and phone the IRS directly at 1-800-TAX FORM to discuss your situation directly with them.
*****SCAM UPDATE*****
Scammers have learned that the IRS makes the first contact by mail (see #1 above). So, some are sending BOGUS letters that have a similar look to IRS letters. The only way to be sure that you have received an IRS letter is to contact me immediately should you receive one.